Friday, October 28, 2016

HS life is Homeschool Life

Bedtime is set at 9pm.
Waking time is at 5 in the morning, at least for the kids. The parents, well, I am up by 4:30 am.
Leave the house by 6 am to bring kids to school. Travel allowance is more or less 1 hour as their schools are in different locations. Sundays are spent either making assignments or cramming for a project with a deadline the following day. Grocery shopping includes baon, baon and more baon. (food to be brought to school) 
Preparations of school uniforms, projects and covering of numerous books with labels on each.
Thankfully, that is a thing of the past. At least in my family.

My dream of becoming a teacher finally came true. 
Challenging, yes. Stressful, sure. Fulfilling, very.

My eldest is in 9th grade; she too, is now a teacher.
She's grown more patient and determined. She plays my sub. In fact, most days she is the sole teacher. 
Being a night owl, instead of being hooked to the internet, she busies herself making  quizzes for her brothers. Or saving youtube videos about specific lessons based on their subject lesson. At day, she bosses around. She brings her brothers to be still and to concentrate while she studies her own lessons.
At break time, she's either on the internet doing her blogs or playing with her baby brother. 
Interchangeably, I do what she does and that's how we keep our home schooling days sane.Yes, it could be very stressful especially when there's a typhoon signal and a suspension of classes. My kids would ask to have one too. Ironic cause there really is no sense having a suspension, anyway. Well, they want to have a "so-called suspension" so they won't feel guilty not being able to attend to their lessons for the day.
Is homeschool better than regular school?

It depends.
I am a stay-at-home mom. I do my work online so I am mostly physically present.
That is one of the primary requirements of being a home school teacher /mother. Someone should be able to supervise and conduct lessons to home schoolers.
As stated earlier, I need not worry about uniforms, transportation, food and other expenses that comes with it which makes it practical. We can go wherever we choose on a school day, no harm done. In fact, going places could be a lesson for them. That could be our field trip.
Every activity is a learning activity. Whether going to the grocery or even to a park, lesson is induced. Character building is also developed. How to be patient and how to manage time wisely. Eveyday is a learning day.  We derive new knowledge every time and that's what makes it exciting. Teachings are not taught from books but from streets as well. My kids are being taught how to be street smart which is an integral part of living. They learn how to interact with other people and how to solve the problems among themselves or on their own. If they choose to learn a new skill, they can. We have all the time needed; no rush, no pressure.
There are so many things that a child being homeschooled can learn outside the confinement of a 4 wall classroom. They learn to think outside the box and get out of their comfort zone.
I have no problems with regular school. I grew up in a classroom setting. I have enough for their schooling but I choose to homeschool.
I just see this as a welcoming change.

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