Thursday, October 20, 2016

How to raise a vegetarian

I am omnivorous.
Barbeques, burgers, steaks-they are all very enticing. 
Frankly, who wouldn't pass but a vegetarian.
In my family,  which includes 4 full eating children and a baby, 3 nephews and 1 niece, only 1 is a certified, full pledged vegetarian. My second child used to be, well, he has then shifted to being omnivorous. My nephew, however, has his palette specially designed to take in veggies and fruits ONLY. We once tricked him into eating meat but he found it distasteful. Sometimes, he'd order burger just because the rest are getting it but mind you, his mom is one lucky fella for she gets to have her son's burger with baby bites on it. He is 8 turning 9. He loves milk, eggs and yes, veggies. Whenever we have taco day, while the rest are savoring the juicy meaty concoction there is in ground beef, he'd settle his shell with cucumber, lettuce and tomatoes.
Now, I am challenged.

What if, I raise my youngest son to be vegetarian?This isn't a game of trial and error, definitely because he is the last and none to compare with. 
What have I done so far? His diet consists mainly of milk, cereals, mashed veggies and fruits. I've given him eggs, shredded chicken and that's about it. No processed, canned and even red meat at all. Why?  My sister told me that just like vampires, once he gets a taste of it, he'll crave for it. Once he gets the cravings, it'll be a difficult task for me and him to withdraw from it. Then, I'd lose the challenge that I set upon myself.
Why am I even doing this? I want him to be healthier and not a picky eater. My other kids are an assortment of eaters, but I have one who is ultimately carnivorous and it's a tedious task to make him eat veggies. It is harder to make kids eat veggies than meat. What is it in meat that is so inviting, anyway?
In my frustration, I'd come up with stories about pigs and cows and their lives being destined to be eaten. How sad! Did it work? No. They grew up, I got tired. 
But now, I'm re-polishing my story should there be a need for me to re-tell, at least to my 1 year old. He'd buy it, for sure.

1 comment:

  1. very informative, well executed when it comes to writing easy to understand every single word, hoping we could talk about it or exchange pleasantries one of this day girl, iloveyou


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